
MEJO 121

Skills Developed

Shooting Film

Shot film on the Movie Pro App for iPhone using a tripod and wired microphone. Adjusted lighting and sound levels when filming both interviews and B-Roll. Eventually uploaded the final videos to a personal YouTube Channel.

Editing Video

Downloaded the Adobe Creative Cloud to install and use different media tools. Premiere Pro was the most frequently used app throughout the course, as we edited all of our videos on the program.

Creating Graphics

Designed several different graphics on Canva. These graphics all served different purposes throughout the course. Some were informational, some were landing pages, and some were just for visual appeal.


Worked on Visual Studio Code to create web pages using HTML5 and CSS for writing and editing code. Became comfortable with many basic tags, including paragraphs, breaks, links, images, lists, etc.

Building WordPress Sites

Utilized all skills to create a final WordPress site showcasing a portfolio of all my work completed in the course. Purchased a domain name and hosting space through GoDaddy where I was able to upload and activate my site to the internet.